Legallbug's Blog

The Ambulance Chaser Myth
August 21, 2009, 3:42 pm
Filed under: Malpractice

Nowhere does it seem that medical malpractice is more out of control than in New York State. In fact, there have been so many cases that the government decided to put a freeze on the rate of medical malpractice lawsuits.

Two groups have been severely impacted. Of course, insurance companies were affected due to settlement payouts. They, in turn, raised their rates to doctors and other medical professionals. The other group was doctors, who were forced to go under because of the high insurance payments. The government was right to issue the freeze. Time was needed to determine a solution to the ongoing problem of medical malpractice in New York. Are local doctors really this bad? Are their patient’s misrepresenting the truth? What’s really going on? Where is the truth? Time will tell.

The medical malpractice insurance freeze is scheduled to be lifted soon. Elected officials have a lot of work to do in figuring out a solution to this growing problem. Whatever happens, it’s clear that the quality of care that our medical professionals provide needs to be reviewed? If there is a problem, medical reform needs to take place.

Are doctors overworked?
August 7, 2009, 6:10 pm
Filed under: Legal, Malpractice | Tags: , , , , , ,

Is medical malpractice the result? It appears that the influx of these types of cases over the past few years is resulting in many questions being asked.

Being responsible for someone’s health is a challenge for any doctor, even the most skilled. But, this is a key part of being a doctor. Most people think it’s a glamorous and high paying profession, but is this what a doctor thinks who is facing a multi-million dollar malpractice case? The stakes are high and they usually have serious consequences.

It’s absolutely true that trying to rush through procedures and not paying enough attention can be real problems for most doctors. It is, however, the doctor’s responsibility and if there was, in fact a problem, they need to be held accountable.

What most people don’t realize is that medical students and nurses can be sued as well. In a busy office, responsibilities are given to them because of our overburdened medical system.

These individuals are usually the only provider of medications or direct care. Giving the wrong heart medication, for example, could have disastrous results. If they don’t have medical malpractice insurance, they should probably consider getting some.

To know more about the services of our medical malpractice and personal injury lawyers, get in touch. We will help determine what your options may be.

There are some that believe that medical malpractice is in need of major reform. This may be true, but it’s important to note that many medical malpractice suits are justified. There are doctors, in every discipline of medicine, that make major mistakes and place the lives of the people they are supposed to care for, in major jeopardy.  Most of us know that the Obama administration is moving quickly to fix the country’s health care system. Apparently, they will be including the nation’s medical malpractice laws in with this legislation.

The legal community, attorneys and others, need to watch the developments closely. Protecting the legal rights of those that are represented in malpractice cases are the highest priority. As such, there may be a fight if these interests are violated through the reform process.

Linda Lipsen, senior vice president of the American Association for Justice told that reform of medical malpractice is a short sighted attempt to cut health care costs.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with health care, if you were to throw the entire medical malpractice system out of the window, you would be taking out less than one percent of the cost of health care.”

Senate finance committee chairman Max Baucus has indicated that a “serious effort at comprehensive health care reform” would also tackle medical malpractice.

Whatever happens as this proposed legislation rolls out needs to be under close scrutiny by everyone in the legal community?

How do you feel about this?

Ambulance Chaser, is one of the most commonly used stereotypes
August 3, 2009, 2:30 pm
Filed under: Legal, Malpractice

In NYC medical malpractice , the term Ambulance Chaser, is one of the most commonly used stereotypes for personal injury and medical malpractice cases. Lawyers are not literally chasing ambulances! There are always going to be some lawyers that are not as ethical as others.  However, I would say the majority of lawyers are working to protect people, granted these people are truly injured.

These injured people are not in the most comfortable position when they need to approach a lawyer. There are limitations and time constraints starting on the date of the malpractice, a lawyer should be contacted immediately.  All information needs to be disclosed, good or bad for the case.  People need malpractice lawyers; trial lawyers are the ones that come to their aid and help them.

The most important thing about trial lawyers are to fight for the people that can’t fight for themselves. And I think that’s what needs to be known.  We are really there to protect people that have a hard time protecting themselves.